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Mark Bell's Power Project

Feb 28, 2022

Bryan Moskow aka The Guerrilla Chemist is an Organic and Biochemist who has a Bachelors Degree from The Georgia Institute of Technology in Chemistry. He is here today to school us on all things supplements, PEDs and how they are used.
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Feb 25, 2022

Chris Beastmode Jones is an OG YouTuber, Personal Trainer and Owner of Pump Chasers clothing and supplements brand. He recently had an "awakening" when taking psychedelics which led him to admitting he was cheating on his girlfriend and apologizing to friends and family.
Follow Chris on IG:...

Feb 24, 2022

Marc Lobliner is an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and the Chief Marketing Officer for, as well as owner and CEO of MTS Nutrition, partner in Ambrosia Nutraceuticals, and owner of Machine Training Solutions Body & Life Coaching Services.
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Feb 23, 2022

Stan Efferding and Matt Wiedemer have teamed up to help trainers and gym owners make six figures with in person training. Stan Efferding is an IFBB Pro and World Record Holding Powerlifter. His Vertical Diet has transformed lifters nutrition all over the world. Matt Wiedemer is a Coach, Trainer and founder of Beat...

Feb 21, 2022

Let's get Steve to at least 10k followers on IG! Follow him here:
Steve is the strongest Powerlifter you haven't heard of. He is currently 2nd ranked raw powerlifter of all time at 308lbs and is determined to claim the number one spot. He is a great guy with true farm boy strength....